Quick House Sale Service

Selling Your Property Can Be Stressful, Time Consuming and Costly!

  1. If your property needs renovation or refurbishment, you will need to undertake the necessary work and pay for it before you do anything else…
  2. You need to find a reliable and honest estate agent…
  3. You will need to clean and tidy your property before each and every viewing…
  4. If your estate agent manages to find you a buyer, you will need to wait a few months for the buyer to arrange a mortgage, get your house surveyed…
  5. If the buyer is in a chain, you will need to wait for their home to sell before they can purchase yours…
  6. If your buyer’s chain breaks, you have to start all over again from step 2…

This process commonly takes many months of stress and hassle and explains very clearly why our service is consistently in high demand from homeowners across Hull and the UK.

The Quick Sale Service from K&G Lettings Limited is the best possible way for you to get in touch with a serious, qualified and experienced buyer who can help you to solve your problem.

Selling your home through an estate agent isn’t always going to guarantee you a fast sale for the price you were promised.  Around 1 out of every 3 enquiries we get are from people who are unhappy with the service they have received from an estate agent!

How K&G Lettings Limited Quick Sale Service works

  • You do not need to clean, tidy or renovate your home.
  • One of our friendly staff will call or e-mail you to discuss your situation and how we can best help you. Sometimes we are asked to simply purchase the property, but we can do a lot more.

If you would like K&G Lettings Limited to have a look at the property, you let us know when YOU are ready.  We will not call you again unless you ask us to – you are under no obligation to do anything.

If you want one of our staff to view the property, we will visit you at a convenient time.

We will present you with a range of offers within 48 hours of viewing your house. If you accept our offer…

Our solicitor will contact your solicitor and we can begin the sale process. If you want we can arrange a local solicitor to act for you and we will pay your legal fees up to £500 too.

Since we do not always buy using a mortgage, we can have the cash to you within a week as well as paying £500 towards your legal fees. If we are using a mortgage, we will let you know from the outset so there are no surprises later but you are guaranteed to have your cash within 28 days.

We promise total confidentiality throughout.  We do not use ‘For sale’ signs or any other signage.  Your friends and neighbours won’t even know the property has sold!

This is a strictly confidential service and no details are disclosed to anyone but your solicitor.

You could sell your home within 28 days at absolutely no cost to you, save thousands of pounds in unnecessary agents commissions and legal fees freeing you to go on holiday, buy a new car, pay off your debts.

Please bear in mind:

  1. We specialise in quick completions.
  2. We give you a definite YES or NO over the phone or upon meeting with you in person.
  3. You will be given a straight, HONEST answer as soon as we have reviewed your form – you have our word.
  4. We typically offer between 90% and 70% of the properties Open Market Value.

Why don’t you give us a try? Simply call one of our friendly staff on 0844 884 59 09 (Low cost call) or e-mail quicksale@kandglettings.co.uk..

We do not know how many weeks or months you have spent trying to sell your home (or thinking about selling), but every single day you wait is costing you unnecessary expenses, slowly eroding the precious income you worked so hard to earn.

Your home is your most valuable asset. Sell it as an asset, before it slowly becomes a liability. We can help you get on with your life – fill in the form today while this is still fresh in your mind!

What to do now

We recommend you reread this page making notes and then contact one of our friendly, professional staff on 0844 884 59 09 (Low cost call) to talk through your option or to receive clarification of any points that you do not understand.  Alternatively, you can e-mail your enquiry to quicksale@kandglettings.co.uk.

Contacting K&G Lettings Limited about your house sale

K&G Lettings Limited specialise in buying houses directly from the owner. If you have sufficient equity and need to sell your property quickly we can help you. Please complete the form below, including as much information as possible.

Once you have completed the form a member of our experienced team will contact you shortly, to discuss your situation.

We guarantee not to pass on your details unless you agree – you have our word. See our Privacy Policy for more details.

How we can help We can give you a guaranteed sale at a fixed price.  We buy directly from you meaning that your chain will not break because your buyer decides not to progress nor, will the agreed same price change.  This means you are not at the mercy of a house sale chain.  We…

How we can help We can offer you a guaranteed sale in a time that will suit you.  This allows you to move on with your life reassured by the knowledge that your house is sold.  This will allow you to pay off any debts or simply allow you to more quickly come to a…

How we can help you Selling your house is one of the three most stressful events of your life and doing it within a short timescale can heighten that stress to extreme levels. There a many factors that need to be resolved in your limited time, whether it is finding somewhere to live or work,…

How we can help Selling your property quickly can be a fast way to raise money to pay for health care or resolve debt caused by long periods of being unable to work. We can help by buying your house quickly, allowing you to rapidly move to be closer to relatives, pay for an operation…

How we can help A property can quickly turn from a shrewd and sound investment to a burden on the owner. Tenants refusing to pay their rent or damaging a property and increasing mortgage and management costs mean that any profits can soon evaporate. The best investors recognise when an investment is costing them money and are…

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Quick House Sale Service